When heading for Scandinavia, we had wanted to stay in Copenhagen but alas there was no accomodation, or none that we were willing to pay for; hence we decided to stay across the Øresund straits, in Malmo. In fact it turned out that what we thought was an apartment in Malmo, was about 5 kms away from the city in a suburb called Bunkeflostrand. Sometimes the map just doesn’t really tell the story or maybe sometimes we just don’t research enough. What the hey? There we were and the best of it, we would make.
In all honesty we hadn’t really planned to end up in Scandinavia at all but we were trying to avoid the tourist hordes in the usual Western European countries and it sounded like a good idea at the time. If we have learnt nothing else at all in nearly 7 months of travelling, it is to be flexible (in nature, not body).
We arrived at Copenhagen airport only to find that, with our limited Swedish/Danish vocabulary, buying tickets was a bit challenging. Who knew the Swedish chef didn’t translate the train ticket machines?
Anyway we eventually found the train and with a little bit of trepidation headed across the Oresund bridge, which you may remember from the TV show, The Bridge (original name that!).
In the fading light, at 11:30pm, we struggled to find the bus stop, which could be attributed to the fact we started out our journey at 5 AM or to Google maps being absolutely no help at all. Bloody Google! So after about 15 minutes of wandering around the station and against our better judgement, we opted for a taxi. Oh god, Taxis, is there a city in the world where they don’t take advantage of you? 194 Swedish Krona lighter we finally arrived at our AirBnB apartment.
The owner had kindly waited up for us and it was great to arrive but maybe tiredness got the better of us and whilst he was kindly informing us of all the sights to see in Malmo, Ian just blurted out, “Oh we are really only here to see Copenhagen.” Oops!
Our first morning in Sweden was taken up with the usual arrival in a new city activities: figuring out public transport and finding a supermarket, both of which were pretty easy. An app downloaded to the phone (which was in Swedish so we were to learn some of the local lingo, like it or not) and a short walk to the supermarket, which as it turned out was the bus stop too! But wow, even getting a few basic items like pasta, bread, bacon and eggs is a pretty expensive affair in Sweden and where had they hidden the wine? There was beer but no wine, no vodka, nothing! You can imagine this was making both of us a little queasy! So we were off home in a hurry to investigate the likelihood that we had ended up in a country with no wine!!!!!!
Don’t stress, they have wine and spirits but it is sold only in bars and Systembolagets, phew!
Apparently, or so we were informed, the long, cold, dark winters can lead to some issues and the Swedish Government figure that regulating the hours and number of venues that alcohol can be sold in, helps decrease the risk of anti social drinking. Sounds like a fair and reasonable supposition and once we were aware of them we spotted Systembolagets pretty frequently. You also have to think about what a money spinner it must be for the government, the trouble is we can’t see the private business interests in Australia giving in without a huge barney.
As we have previously described, the train across the bridge is a pretty expensive affair so we had a few days to explore the Malmo area in between our Copenhagen excursions. And what a lucky break that was, Malmo is quite an interesting city and the Skane area of Sweden has many attractions you have most likely never heard of (neither have all the other tourists). It is by all reports the Riviera of Sweden, although we are still not sure the weather supports that theory.
The city of Malmo, is an eclectic mix of modern and ancient, filled with roses blooming in the streets, along the pavement and even climbing up the front of houses. There are many parks which are a delight to wander in and if you are lucky with the weather a great place for a picnic. It is an easy city to walk around and the public transport is frequent, comfortable and has free wifi on the buses.
We spent a couple of days exploring the city and although it apparently has a reputation for being unsafe, or so the trolls on Twitter informed Cath (we must be doing something right on Twitter, we have been trolled!), we found it to be a very pleasing and easy place to wander around. There were very few if any tourists and a number of very nice parks, the Turning Torso building is quite frankly crazy but worth a look and the area surrounding it is lovely to wander along the waterfront back into the city itself. You can also get great views and photos of the Bridge from this spot and if you enjoy watersports like sailing, skiing or kayaking this is the place for you!

Malmo is full of surprises
The old city was reminiscent of Glasgow with many red sandstone buildings and rather Gothic or neo Gothic architecture, which of course warmed Ian’s Scottish heart. Whilst the weather wasn’t fabulous on the days we visited, there were breaks in the clouds and drizzle and you could imagine that for a few weeks the locals must love to sit around the Lilla Torg, in the many outdoor restaurants and bars. It must be a bit chilly in winter though. The delightful and historic centre is surrounded by modern shopping, bars and restuarants and of course the sleek, Scandi design shops. Very tempting to buy a house full of furniture, although the current lack of a house does pose a small issue.
Malmo also has one of the biggest shopping centres in Sweden, Emporia. We are not usually drawn to such places but as it was located at the Hyllie train station, which we used frequently and it had a systembolaget inside we spent some time there. It is magnificent, in Cath’s humble opinion the best shopping centre she has ever seen, perfectly designed, sensible and of course great to look at, simple and sleek.
In every travel blog and book you read about Scandinavia, it points out that it is expensive and they are not wrong, so in the interest of maintaining some fiscal responsibility we ate and drank at home most of the time. Which is a bit boring, not that we mind spending time with each other at home but rather you miss a little bit of learning about how a society functions. And let’s be honest that sort of learning is best done in bars and restaurants. We did however have some very nice bangers and mash, meatballs and pasta, not quite the new Scandi cuisine some of the Michelin restaurants are serving but nevertheless enjoyable. Ian was particularly impressed with the local version of sausages, fat, salty and like a hot dog, not the ubiquitous lean tasteless supermarket snags of Australia.
At the start of this tale we were not so impressed with the location of our accomodation but as the week went on, it was a god send. The area was quiet, the apartment nice with a small garden to sit in and the block out blinds very effective. So we had the chance to dag around at home, sleep late, eat 2 breakfasts, drink too much vodka or wine, play cards, catch up on news from home and work on the new project, the blog (which you are obviously aware of wonderful reader!).
Now comes a word of warning, do not venture into Malmo to check out the food market, Saluhall, with a hangover! The Saluhall itself was pretty underwhelming, although we had read it was a bonanza of local foods and produce, it’s not. It is a series of expensive coffee shops and deli’s most of which are closed on Sunday afternoon.

The $50 Malmo burger
Having made the trek from the city centre to there we took a quick look, checked the Like a Local Guide (our trusty new friend) and headed off for a burger to salve our somewhat hungry tummies. We found the Malmo Surf Shack without any issues, plonked ourselves down, ordered our burgers and then checked the price, $52 AUD for 2 burgers, a coke and a thick shake! And whilst they were good, nothing could make up for the fact that we had just payed a ridiculous amount of money for a burger, should have gone to the dreaded McD!!!!
Our week in Malmo ended on Cath’s birthday and we were headed for Gothenburg. Naturally the train carriage was beautifully designed and we were soon seated in a very comfortable chair, yes chair, like a lounge chair on a train; in true Scandi style it had lovely blonde wood seat handles and tables. It was the Ikea of trains. The Swedish countryside is really very beautiful; green fields, bordered with numerous forests interspersed with lovely little lakes, gorgeous little boat sheds and quaint country houses. An absolute delight of a trip.
Sometimes, in traveling, what we get is not what we plan. It’s good that you found a pleasure in Malmo, but obviously, Sweden is a very expensive country I feel difficult to afford 😀
anyway, just suggestions, i think you should give more pictures here, so we may have a better visualization about Malmo 🙂
Hi Matius, thank you for your comments. We can certainly work towards more photos, right now with travelling the time to edit is a bit difficult, keep watching for more photos though.
Malmo looks like a great place to visit and sounds like you had a fun week! Would love to visit and follow your itinerary! Looks fantastic!
Hi Katie, thanks for your comments. It was a great week, we hope you get to visit soon.
What a fabulous place to find and explore. Thanks for sharing an informative and detailed post with lots of tips. Saved for when I visit, I have never heard of Malmo too which was great to read about, I have seen some incredible photos of Sweden and it deffo on my list of places to visit.
Thank you for your comments
What a lovely and hilarious post! Oof I was a bit worried nothing was going to go your way and Malmo was going to be a complete dud but it sounds like you had a nice respite! I’ve been to Copenhagen but never Malmo. I hadn’t noticed the wine shop issue when we were there but now I’m going to look for it next time I go!
Hi Alicia, thank you for your comments. We did end up having such a great week, isn’t it amazing how that happens? Good luck with the System Bolaget hunt. Happy Travels
Sometimes bad days have a good ending! I am glad you chanced upon Malmo, else we readers wont have known about this place! Yours is a well detailed post and one that tells me to visit Scandinavian countries not for cities like Copenhagen but for lesser known ones like Malmo! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Ambuj, thanks for commenting. It really is worth finding a not so well known place, we learnt so much from this stay. Happy Travels
Nevem been in Malmo yet but you inspires me now and the flights are on a good price!
Hi Petya, thanks for your comments. We hope you get a good price on the flights too. Happy Travels
Its my first time to hear this place ! But it looks interesting and worth to visit ! Your experience speaks all that it is a perfect holiday destination
Hi NeEda, thank you for your comments, we hope you can travel to see Malmo soon. It was such an interesting place. Happy Travels
Enjoyed reading this post! Very informative and your style of writing is amazing. The pictures are very beautiful. Great post overall! 🙂
Hi Shaily, thank you for your kind comments. It is great to get feedback like yours. Happy Travels
It is quite sad when a city is expensive so you cant do the whole eating out culture thing. Same happened to us in Switzerland!
Hi Carlinn, thank you for your comments. It is disappointing but at the same time, I learnt quite a lot of Swedish in the supermarket, so there were some benefits. Happy Travels
$50 for that meal is crazy! Also Malmo sounds like such a cute little place, I feel like I would enjoy it a lot. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Hi Courtney, thank you for commenting. It was pretty a pretty crazy price, hope you can get to Malmo and avoid the burgers soon. Happy Travels
Such a gorgeous place, and great guide… if i ever end up venturing over there i will have to check this place out!
Hi Madison, thanks for commenting, we hope you can get to see pretty Malmo soon. Happy Travels
Malmö is such a cute quaint little city. The view on the train ride from CPH is beautiful! Your pictures are lovely thank you for sharing ❤️
Hi Danielle, thanks for your comments. The train ride is stunning isn’t it? Happy Travels
I’m sure it was difficult for you guys to buy those tickets of train, I do remember my experience too in Lugano, nobody speaks english even the machines I almost panicked 😀 Happy to know that you guys did enjoyed your adventure. Love those burgesr anyway just kinda expensive but I’m pretty sure they are delicious. great post all in all.
Hi Lexie, thank you for your comments. The train tickets were a funny story, although bit stressful at the time! Happy Travels
I’ve never heard of Malmo before to be honest but it sounds like such a great place to visit. I’m hoping to be traveling Europe for a while next Spring so perhaps I’ll find myself there! True what you say though, its best to be flexible. Something I need to get better at!
Hi Edith, thank you for your comments. We are becoming more flexible all the time and finding some out of the way places too, which is a wonderful way to discover new cities and countries. Hope you can get there during your Spring holidays. Happy Travels
Great information. Sometimes, when things turned to be different to what you planned, eventually turns out to be always great. It happened with us during our travel to Georgia 🙂
Sounds like a great place. I didn’t know about Malmo before but now I wish to go there 🙂
I have a friend who is lived close to Malmo, he has told me about it’s charm and beauty, and reading through this post I can now see what he’s talking about. I have bookmarked this for future reference 😀
Wow that’s super interesting! I’ve heard about Malmo previously but it wasn’t great things and this post has changed my mind!
Hi Constance, thanks for your comments, we had a great time even if the media is not always positive. Happy Travels
Your write up on Malmo, and your pictures are great! I love your story-telling way of writing, it makes reading your post enjoyable! I’m glad you somewhat ditched the very touristy places for Malmo and had an amazing time!
Hi Yes, thanks for your comments. We are so glad you like the narrative style, we enjoy that too. Happy Travels
LOL “learn to be flexible” You are too funny. Sounds like you found the perfect spot even though you didn’t get to stay in Copenhagen!
Hi Diana, thanks for your comments, our minds are certainly more flexible now. Happy Travels
I can’t believe you paid so much for a burger (and fixins)! We hope to get to Scandinavia someday soon and I will definitely take cost of living into account. Malmo sounds quite nice and I’m glad you ended up liking your accommodation. Good black out blinds are a must.
Hi Theresa, thanks for your comments, I know the price of that burger!
I really enjoyed reading your post. We have friends in Malmö and Copenhagen so have been there quite often and have always been pleased to be staying with friends due to the high cost of everything (by Australian standards). Despite this, it is a beautiful area and well worth visiting. The Turning Torso is amazing. Our daughter lived in Malmö for a while on a university exchange and we loved our visit to her. Copenhagan is one of my favourite places too. I’m glad you enjoyed your time and wish you well on your travels.
Hi Debbie, thanks for your comments, glad to find a kindred travel spirit
I can’t help but say it- thank you for having my dream trip! I have a few old gaming buddies in Malmo so I’ve heard so much about it- I’ve even suggested it as a honeymoon location! Glad to see you had fun after the initial hiccup!
I love reading your experiences. Would like to visit Malmo some day. Hope you enjoyed your stay there. Is that the Orchestra sculpture in picture? I have heard that the sculpture is intended to express the mood of Malmo like cheerful, confident, happiness.
I love visiting this area!! Great memories 😊
Wow. Would love to visit !! All the details you mentioned are so helpful. Thanks for sharing (:
Hi Komal, we hope you get the chance to visit soon. Many thanks for your comment. Happy Travels